
polycarbonate sheet plastic film garden greenhouse

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Analysis of Main Cultivation Techniques of Strawberry in Greenhouse

Strawberries have become the main vegetable fruit varieties cultivated in winter and summer in south and north China. They are mainly cultivated in protected areas and their area has been expanding year by year. However, problems such as low yield, poor quality, and severe disease often occur in production. Let's talk about the key technical points for cultivation of strawberry in greenhouses for reference.
1 terrain selection
Choose the land with high dryness without water accumulation, irrigation and drainage, convenient irrigation, and ample land for shed cultivation. It is best to use sandy loam soil with high organic matter content, which is conducive to the growth and development of the fibrous roots of strawberry. At the same time, it is necessary to use enough base fertilizer. It is best to select fully decomposed cattle and sheep feces over 8000kg/667m2, and according to the need of high nitrogen and potassium phosphorus. Fertilizer characteristics, with the use of 100kg of vegetables dedicated Yuan Shikao (12.8.22) slow application of compound fertilizer, even after spreading the ground mixed soil to do 畦. Strawberries are extremely resistant to heavy lice, and heavy pods will increase the incidence of some soil-borne diseases such as verticillium wilt, root rot, and leather rot. So we must disinfect the soil. At present, the safest and most effective disinfection method is to deepen the soil in the shed, irrigate the water, cover the greenhouse membrane or film, and seal the high temperature at 45-55°C for 45 days to kill pathogens and pests in the soil. The north-south deep sorghum sorghum is used. The surface of the sorghum is 40 cm wide (60 cm wide), the sulcus width is 40 cm, and the sulcus depth is 20 cm. The sorghum surface should be leveled and a small ditch should be opened in the middle after planting so that the drip irrigation facilities can be filled with fertilizer.
2 light temperature control
According to the characteristics of the strawberry's hi light and direct love, the shed is not shaded from the sun, the greenhouse with good lighting conditions, and the greenhouse film is clean, and dust is often removed to ensure good light transmittance. The temperature requirement for strawberry growth is high in the early stage and low in the late stage. In the early stage, the flower buds are generally promoted and maintained at 28 to 30°C during the day, 12 to 15°C at night, and at least 8°C at the lowest. The budding period is 25-28°C during the day and 10-12°C at night. If the night temperature exceeds 13°C, it will cause flower buds to degenerate. The stamen and stamens will be stunted. The flowering temperature during the day is 23-25°C and the nighttime is 8-10°C. Flowering pollination and fertilization. Fruit enlargement period, 20 ~ 25 °C during the day, 6 ~ 8 °C at night, the accumulation of favorable nutrients to promote fruit enlargement, reduce the rate of small fruit. The harvest period is maintained at 20-23°C during the day and 5-7°C at night. In the period of strawberry growth and fruit enlargement, light is insufficient to fill the light in time to prevent the strawberry from entering dormancy. The method is: set up 25 100W ultraviolet light lamps per acre, light up every morning 3 ~ 4h, to improve production and reduce malformation fruit has a good effect.
3 Water and fertilizer management should be strengthened
Strawberries are cultivated in protected areas and their growth cycle is longer, which increases the demand for water and fertilizers. Therefore, constant supply of water and nutrients is required. Otherwise, it will cause premature plant failure and reduce production. To determine if strawberries need irrigation, look at the leaves in the morning to see if they have spewed water. If not, you need to fill the water. The promotion of irrigation under the membrane can effectively reduce the humidity in the greenhouse and reduce the occurrence of diseases, so that the roots and stems can be kept moist and conducive to plant growth. From the time of planting and fruit filling, strawberries must be topped with at least 4 to 5 top dressings, ie, after planting. Cover film, flowering period, fruit enlargement period, harvest period, harvest period, etc., generally in the early growth period, topdressing watering once every 20 days, each top dressing once combined with watering. Can be used fertilization, such as compound microbial humic acid fertilizers buds peak, fragrant song, drop dragon, drip Yan, water-soluble phosphate fertilizer, etc., by: the first time after the seedlings with watering flush 25%, buds peak 20kg+50% high-phosphorus water soluble fertilizer 5kg. In the fruit setting stage, 25% drip 20kg with flushing, plus 50% fragrant song high nitrogen and potassium fertilizer 5kg. During the period of large-expansion harvesting, 25% drip 20kg plus 50% reed high potassium water-soluble fertilizer 5kg. Can improve the disease resistance of plants, reduce the infection of gray mold and rotten root. Physiological obstacles such as physiological drop. Improve fruit quality to increase sugar content, increase fruit firmness and surface light, and storage and transport.
4 Occurrence and Prevention of Major Diseases
4.1 Strawberry root rot
The emergence period after the seedlings survived the transplant - early flowering period. The condition is that it encounters continuous rainy weather. Generally, the humidity in the field is high, and pathogens that are susceptible to root rot are at the peak of flowering. Control methods: temperature and humidity control, ventilation and humidity control, control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, chemical control methods: use 20% of fluorosilicon fluoride 25% + 400 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 200 times the Shumei spray or root.
4.2 Gray mold
The main factor that occurs is that low temperature, rainy (snow) weather causes high humidity in the field, and strawberry seedlings grow weaker when the shelf temperature is below 22°C. After the sunny days, it was easy to infect Botrytis cinerea, and it was observed that the initial stage of the disease was mainly at the tip of the leaf, the edge of the leaf, the tip of the young fruit, and the base of the young fruit. The prevention and control methods, when ventilation is appropriate, timely ventilation, no pouring of clear water, appropriate planting density, reduction of nitrogen fertilizer application, prevention of prolonged growth, and increased illumination. After the occurrence of chemical control can be used 20% quick-cloaking aerosol 100g/667m2 choice evening hours sealed enclosures in the shed evenly placed fumigation, continuous 2 or 3 times, and can not be closed fumigation at high temperatures, can also be used 50% ethylene bacteria The nuclear powder is 500 times sprayed every 2 to 3 times for 5 to 7 days.
4.3 Downy mildew and blight
When there is continuous high temperature and high humidity in the greenhouse, it may be susceptible to downy mildew and epidemic disease. It mainly damages the roots, makes the root crown or the base of the roots brown, and the upper part of the plants is wilting and dry. Control methods: Protecting cultivation, pay attention to temperature, humidity control, Must avoid high temperature and humidity. Chemical control using 50% dimethomorph 400 to 600 times liquid spray, hourly add 400 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate spray.
4.4 Physiological diseases and deficiency
4.4.1 Fruit Albinism: In the cultivation of facilities, it is often found that berries are white or yellowish or partially clear. The albinism and albino fruit development are the same as normal fruit, but they have no color, no fruit, and the fruit is soft. Poor, perishable. The occurrence of more widespread albinism is mainly caused by environmental factors and physiological disorders. Plants grow too much fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer, night temperature during fruit development period is too low, humidity is too high, insufficient light can cause. The prevention and control methods are mainly to strengthen production management, control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied, apply more organic fertilizer and slower fertilization, increase lighting compensation, and reasonably adjust temperature and humidity to reduce the occurrence of disease.
4.4.2 Physiological calcium deficiency in strawberry: The phenomenon of calcium deficiency often occurs in strawberries during the growth period, which affects the fruit development and fruit quality. It is prominent in the period of budding, with dry soil, replanting of paddy fields into strawberry plots and the proneness to calcium deficiency. Typical features are leaf coke, leaf shrunken, and the tops of leaves cannot fully expand and become black and dry, and the top dry parts and interiors There is a light green or light yellow limit. Prevention and control methods Before the planting, combined with site preparation gypsum 35 ~ 70kg/667m2, can effectively prevent calcium deficiency phenomenon, leaf calcium. In the initial stage of budding, 0.3% calcium chloride was sprayed 400 times twice or three times.


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Insect net artificial barrier,
Refuse the pest network,
Achieve pest control, defend the food security purposes.
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There are some repellent effects on pests.
Optional wide size: 0.5 meters, 0.8 meters,
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Price about 2 dollars a meter.

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Greenhouse film, sun screen, Greenhouse greenhouse to put on a "sun protection clothing"

Tips: Summer hot weather is more, if you do not take effective measures to reduce shed temperature, the vegetables are prone to flourishing conditions in high temperature, wilting, sunburn, falling flowers, falling fruit and other issues. We should pay attention to strengthening the ventilation of the greenhouse, fertilizer application, pest control and other aspects of the problem, to ensure that the summer greenhouse vegetables safe summer.

Sun protection film in the greenhouse

Two-pronged precautionary measures to prevent the burning of vegetables Brilliance Sunburn Severe heat at high temperatures, so when the daytime temperatures are high, the upper part of the shed and the front face of the vent to open to enhance ventilation, thereby reducing shed temperature. After opening the vent, attention should be paid to adjust the pull of the turtle rope firmly fastened, so as not to leave after the wind blowing off the blower, resulting in high temperature hazards.

Shade net with a strong light cover, lower temperature, anti-storm impact and other functions, can effectively improve the summer and autumn season crop growth environment, to avoid plant exposure, Sunburn hazards. In amaranth, celery, onions and other leafy vegetables covered with shade net cultivation, may be appropriate sowing time to market, improve vegetable quality, after sowing can also be used floating surface cover, early post-emergence expose the cover. Conditional greenhouses to take the whole network or around the coverage of insect net, physical measures can be isolated to isolate pests and reduce pests and diseases.

polycarbonate sheet plastic film garden greenhouse

the seedbed system the hydroponics system the sprinkler system glass greenhouse polycarbonate sheet plastic film gr...