Sun protection film in the greenhouse
Two-pronged precautionary measures to prevent the burning of vegetables Brilliance Sunburn Severe heat at high temperatures, so when the daytime temperatures are high, the upper part of the shed and the front face of the vent to open to enhance ventilation, thereby reducing shed temperature. After opening the vent, attention should be paid to adjust the pull of the turtle rope firmly fastened, so as not to leave after the wind blowing off the blower, resulting in high temperature hazards.
Shade net with a strong light cover, lower temperature, anti-storm impact and other functions, can effectively improve the summer and autumn season crop growth environment, to avoid plant exposure, Sunburn hazards. In amaranth, celery, onions and other leafy vegetables covered with shade net cultivation, may be appropriate sowing time to market, improve vegetable quality, after sowing can also be used floating surface cover, early post-emergence expose the cover. Conditional greenhouses to take the whole network or around the coverage of insect net, physical measures can be isolated to isolate pests and reduce pests and diseases.