
Do you want to install the equipment, what equipment you need, how much money you need, from where you enter the raw materials

Multi-span greenhouse is a single-arch shed structure, according to the different specifications of the use of materials, structural patterns vary. Mainly bamboo structure, steel pipe structure, the steel pipe inorganic composite materials, all steel frame structure and so on. Multi-span greenhouses can maximize land use efficiency and focus on creating a suitable environment for the growth of crops, effectively improving the input-output ratio.

 Agricultural Multi-Span Film Greenhouse

Choose to build multi-storey greenhouses, according to different varieties of planting varieties to determine the specifications of different materials, such as low-grade leafy vegetables can be used bamboo structure, simple steel structure, medium height crop available steel structure, high-grade vegetables, nursery available inorganic composite material, Full steel frame structure. As for the multi-span greenhouse accessories, you can have a fan, wet curtain, you can use the glass can also use sun panels, internal and external shade system。



polycarbonate sheet plastic film garden greenhouse

the seedbed system the hydroponics system the sprinkler system glass greenhouse polycarbonate sheet plastic film gr...